Monday, January 2, 2012

Sharing From the American Council

A big thanks to the American Council for sharing these tips for 2012!

In 2011, getting in shape and dieting were consistently noted in the Top 5 New Year’s resolutions for Americans.  That isn’t surprising considering over 64 million Americans are overweight or obese, according the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  This year the American Council on Exercise (ACE) has created some great tools to help people keep their resolutions for 2012.
Check out a few simple resolutions to strive for in the New Year by American Council on Exercise Spokesperson Nancey Trevanian Tsai, M.D.

·        I will walk – better yet, RUN – away from my problems:A sedentary life is correlated with increased heart disease, rates of diabetes and depression. Current government recommendations suggests 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least five times a week, or 20 minutes of vigorous exercise at least three times a week.

·        I will STRETCH OUT in front of the television:The average American spends 28-34 hours a week watching television, according to the Nielsen Company. It would benefit every man, woman, and child would make it a habit to perform stretches during commercial breaks, and/or other simple calisthenics while viewing their favorite shows. For simple stretches and exercises to perform at home, visit the “Get Fit” section of

·        I will eat good FOOD: Food is more than just nutrients — carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, and vitamins. The food chain does not contain processed nutrient packets.

·        I will exercise only the muscles I want to keep:‘Nuff said.  For ACE’s most effective exercises for the glutes, abs and triceps check out this recent ACE article.

Check out the complete Wellness Prescription for 2012 from the American Council on Exercise.

For more information on product reviews, fitness tips, proper technique, the latest exercise trends, and to find an ACE-certified personal trainer, please visit

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