Thursday, March 31, 2011

Planning our meals ahead! Join me and send yours over!

How many times a week are you scrambling around at the last second to try and throw something together for dinner? Does this cause you to eat out more often? Do not get me wrong, my family and I do love to go out to a restaurant, but I really do not think we need to be doing this more often then eating at home. So today I am going to make a change, and start planning our meals ahead of time! I am going to vow to get everything I need before hand, and have it set out the night before to make sure my meals will be done for dinner!

How many of you do this? What are your thoughts and where do you look for recipes? I would love for everyone to share your thoughts! Email them to me: and I will post your story and how you prepare for making sure dinner is on the table. Not one who prepares their meals? Email me too! I would love to know how your meals go, what they consist of, and if doing everything at the last minute does work for you! Pictures are always an added benefit!

As many of you know, working from home is a very rewarding experience, especially if you have kids. You are able to spend every time with them, but also need to stay motivated and productive for work. It can be easy though, as long as your little ones have plenty to do. My problem is that even though I do work from home, I also do not even think of dinner until the last minute! My husband likes to ask me in the morning, and my response is, "Can I eat my breakfast first?" So as you can imagine, he is thrilled that I am making this change!

As I find meals and plan ahead, I am going to share this journey with all of you! I would like to hear about yours and would love to share with all if you do not mind. Just email me and we all can start our journey on planning our meals! Obviously, we are still able to eat out, but we should not have to eat out 5 days a week when we are able to prepare fabulous meals ourselves!

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