Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Enter the Kidorable Pumpkin Contest!

How many of you are Kidorable fans? Well, I have been for a very long time and always love staying up to date with their new collections and contests. So what do they have in store for Halloween?
How much does your child love to decorate their pumpkin? Do they create their own masterpiece or decorate it with glitz and glammer? Nowadays, many people are taking Halloween to a new level by how creative they are with their pumpkins. So what is the Kidorable contest you ask?

Email a picture of your child and their pumpkin to and win the most votes! Whoever gets the most votes will win! Make sure you send in your pictures between October 15, 2012 to October 31, 2012. For more details just go to Kidorable to find out about this contest and then be sure to vote!

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