Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Parkside Paper + Giveaway!!!

Not sure about you, but I always LOVE a good magnet. The flimsy ones are always very cheap or were given to you as some type of advertisement, and every time you go to put on on a piece of paper, what happens? The paper falls all the way down the fridge. Head over to Parkside Papers to get your magnets for now on. I LOVE the ones from the iPop collection like the ones above.
You can choose from several different designs, but you will be satisfied with this strong and durable magnet. Nothing moves on my fridge when I click these on top. Absolutely love them and I will be heading over to Parkside Papers to get more! 

Who does not like owls? They are always everywhere you go. On pillows, stickers for the wall, wall decor and more. So why not get them for your fridge? The Cartolina Vintage owls are sold in a 4-pack, and you will fall in love with them right away.

Want to visit France but just do not have the time or the courage to jump on the plane and go? You can still dream and place your "dream vacation" right on your fridge. This Cartolina Bonjour Big Click Magnet is one you must have.
So, it is giveaway time!!! Who wants to win a set of the Cartolina Vintage owls (4 pack) and one Cartolina Bonjour Big Click Magent? Rules are simple!
Share this giveaway on your Facebook page and be sure to tag our Facebook page @chicstylemodern and @Parkside in the post. This is mandatory. (Leave a comment letting me know this is done. Remember, if you tag us on FB we can verify it was done.)
If you are on Twitter share this giveaway including @chicstylemodern and @parksideshop. This is only allowed once a day! (Please leave a comment below when done.)
Good luck and one winner will be announced Friday, September 14, 2012 after 10p.m. EST.

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