FoodFun Takes a Stand in the Fight Against Childhood Obesity with the Launch of Three Educational Games that Let Kids Play with their Food by Teaching them about Healthy Eating and Living. FoodFun Inc. was created by Adam Starr, and the goal of the company is to play a role in our society's current childhood obesity epidemic. Being a father of three, and being a social entrpreneur, FoodFun was created!
Eating healthy is a very important part of our life. What is even more important is that we teach our children how to eat healthy, and why it is so important. Food Fun is a new company that wants to help you when it comes to teaching your little ones about eating healthy. They have created games that will help you to do this, and your llittle ones will realize that it can also be fun!
Here is a little bio from FoodFun:
"FoodFun seeks to reach children via family, school and social networks, teaching them the importance of healthy eating and living. FoodFun will help fill the void in today’s society and bring about change in the fight against childhood obesity by instilling the foundation for proper nutrition. FoodFun is based on the mantra that it’s OK for children to play with their food. We appeal to children by helping them create their own relationships with food and by teaching them that healthy foods are the most fun foods of all. Our initiatives are based on the FoodFun Pyramid, which focuses on learning objectives by age, and FoodFun’s brand pillars of health, simplicity, accessibility, education, fun and commitment. When combined, our pyramid and pillars guide us through everything we do." ~FoodFun
Check out their games! They can learn through their food groups through flash cards, matching the different healthy foods, and another game where they would pin the type of food to where it came from. This is gerat for the entire family! There are many tempting foods that are delicious such as icecream, and candy, but they should not be consumed all the time. Healthy eating is essential when growing up, so let FoodFun help you with your journey on teaching your little ones!
FoodFun is proud to donate 5% of proceeds to organizations committed to ridding our society of its current childhood obesity epidemic.
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