Friday, September 24, 2010

Silicone Must-Haves + Giveaway!

In 2006, Silikids was founded by Moms, Giuliana Schwab and Stacey Feeley, to bring germ-free, mold-free, and toxin-free products to the market for our little ones. The products are hypoallergenic and the company's idea to make all of their products with silicone meant that the products were able to be sterilized much easier, the products were safe for our children, and silicone products can be recycled! If you do not want to find a specific place yourself for recycling your silicone silikid products, you can send them back to Silikids and they will handle the recycling for you!

Silikids  sells a variety of products that are great to have in the home. One product that is inventive and fabulous are the Silipads that are great for your little ones that are beginning to crawl. If your home is like mine, hard floors are throughout, and it can be tough on our little ones knees. Another product that is great as well are the Silibibs. These are an alternative to cloth bibs, and you will enjoy them more. Instead of having stained, dirty bibs all the time that are hard to clean, you can use a silibib and simply wipe off with a wipe! In addition, you can find bottles and cups for little ones and adults from Silikids. The siliskin makes it easier for your little ones hands to hold on, preventing drips, leaks, and breaks. A must-have for any home are the Siliskin 6 oz. glasses that come in a set of four. The cups will be colorful and appealing to your little ones eyes in aqua, red, green, and purple, and they are only $25.95. They will last as your children grow, and your children will feel like they are all grown up with their Siliskin cups.

Now you can get Siliskin glasses for everyone in the home! Glass is a safe alternative to plastic, and will always be the cleanest option for drinking. That makes me love these products even more! Even adults can make mistakes as well, and the Siliskin will help to eliminate dropping the cup as well. These are modern and stylish. Get the Siliskin Glass in 12 oz. for a set of four for only $32.95. The products will last long, and you will enjoy the great colors of aqua and lime in the set.


Now it is time for one person to win a set of the 6 oz. glasses from the new Home line collection!

Mandatory: Must follow #1 before any other entries count. Leave a separate comment for each entry.

1. Must be a follower of Chic Style Modern.
3. Subscribe to Chic Style Modern.
4. Like Silikids on Facebook.
5. Like Chic Style Modern on Facebook.
6. Follow @silikids on Twitter.
6. Follow @chicstylemodern on Twitter.

Good Luck! Winner will be announced Saturday, October 16, 2010 after 10 p.m. EST.

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